3 Considerations When Selecting a Car Insurance for New Car Owners

Now that you have a new car, it is important to select the right car insurance. There are three main considerations when selecting car insurance for new drivers: the coverage, the price, and the company.

When looking for coverage, make sure that you are fully covered in case of an accident. Most car insurance policies cover collision and comprehensive damage, as well as liability. However, you may need to purchase additional coverage for your car if it is a high-value vehicle or if you have a loan on the car.


Price is always an important consideration when selecting any type of insurance. Be sure to compare rates from several different companies before choosing one. You may be able to save money by selecting a higher deductible or by opting to pay for your insurance monthly. However, you will have to be able to afford the deductible if you are involved in an accident.

Company Reputation

When selecting a car insurance company, consider the reputation of the company you are buying from.  While prices are important, it is better to pay more for a reputable company than to be underinsured. You can check online reviews or ask people you know who have recently bought insurance about their experiences with specific companies. There are many factors that go into selecting the right car insurance so make sure to do your research before making any final decisions.


In addition to the factors listed above, be sure to ask about any available discounts when you are purchasing your car insurance. Many companies offer a “good student” discount if you have good grades in school or a “safe driver” discount for drivers who have a clean driving record. You may also qualify for a senior citizen’s discount or a  discount if you are a member of certain professional organizations.

Finally, do some research on car insurance companies before selecting one. They are responsible for paying claims when accidents occur, so it is important that they are reputable.